Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Faves

TGIF? Well, being unemployed, the truth is one day is just like the next to me.

But, I'm proud of myself. I've been doing well with my points. OK, so its only Day 3 of my return to Weight Watchers, but I haven't been doing the mindless eating, or making a late-night pb&j sandwich or bowl of cereal.

I'm not quite sure what today's menu brings. Its almost 11 am, and I've yet to eat breakfast. Or shower *sniff*. Usually Friday nights means calling or going out for dinner. Many people get frustrated with weekends. They can't stay on track. I enjoy them. I look forward to weekends because I allow myself one meal per day to have something I don't normally have. Tonight will be pizza or Chinese (or one of the chain restaurants) and liquor. More than likely, the leftovers (and more liquor) will be had tomorrow evening. I don't go buck wild and eat everything. But, this is my treat. I count them in my points. And, I'm a happy girl. You can always add some extra activity/exercise in if you really feel guilty. Do some walking. Play in the park with your kids.

I've designated Friday as the day I will share five new blogs or sites that I've found useful or interesting. These sites most likely will have to do with being healthy. However, I never forget, in order to continue in this lifestyle, we need to make ourselves emotionally happy. So my Friday Faves might include humorous or pamper you sites, or sites that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

In no particular order:

Gina's WW Recipes - This is going to be a favorite of mine for a very long time. I love new, healthy recipes. I've got a small collection of Weight Watcher cookbooks. And, Gina has calculated the points already.

Cranky Fitness - She's a recent find. But, has great advice on nutrition and health, bitches & moans, but makes it oh-so-humorous.

The Fit Shack - One of the first sites I came across as I restarted this journey. I found her through Entrecard, and even if I don't comment every visit. We both suffer with emotional eating, but she's working through hers. Good luck JoLynn!

Liz Harper Fitness - Has an extensive list of articles. Whenever I visit her site, I always forget that I landed there to do my card dropping, and get lost looking through her site. Great info!

HealthNutWannaBeeMom - Heidi always has something enlightening on her page. Vitamins, microwaves, foods to fight wrinkles (at 42, I need to start thinking about those).

OK, my stomach is nagging me. I'm going to go throw some color in my hair, then make oatmeal with raisins for breakfast.

Do you have problems staying on track during the weekends?
If not, what tips can you offer?

1 comment:

Unbalanced Libra said...

Eating waffles and ice cream as I read this...cheers!

Is it a weekend? Oh yea, it is!