Sunday, April 20, 2008

Emotional Eating

I eat out of boredom and depression. I have to make a conscious effort to get back on track, eating the right way.

I never would've thought I was an emotional eater. But, its quite obvious to me now. I have days where I just go through the cabinets looking for something, anything, to eat. And, I find it.

We all make choices. To eat healthy foods, to eat non healthy. I'm a firm believer of not beating yourself up over bad choices. Just pick yourself up and move on. Accept what you did, and make better choices the next time.

Except, lately, my choices are not getting better. My weight is showing that.

In the year & 1/2, I had faithfully followed Weight Watchers, I'd gone from a size 20 to a size 8. In the 10 months I haven't been working and going to my meetings, I'm back up to a 14. I see what I'm doing. I've gotten lazy. And greedy.

I have very few clothes from being a 14. Last spring, going into summer, I was down to a size 10. I do not want to buy a new wardrobe. I won't.

So, what does this mean? It means I'd better get my butt off the computer, away from the cabinets, and on my treadmill or recumbent bike.

Reposting comments from original entry:

  • Dutsji wrote:
    Unfortunately this all sounds very familiar to me. I am an emotional eater too and it sucks. I should be more like you though and not beat myself up about it too much.

  • 4/16/2008 6:37 PM C-Shizzle wrote:
    This looks like I'm reading my biography! I have been on maintenance since March 07 and I have gained 25 pounds back going from a 6 to a 10....beginning at a 22! I don't want to keep this up but I am the same way. Bored at work and eating to fill the time. Don't seem to have the motivation to quit... we just have to keep trying!

  • 4/17/2008 12:16 AM GT wrote:
    Losing weight is a daily struggle. I do just fine and then we get visitors from overseas and I start cooking and nibbling and I find I've added a pound. I've learned that I must weigh every day or every other day and rein myself in, especially when we have company staying with us.

    Emotional eating what gets me in trouble when we don't have company. I just know if I ate something I'd feel better. I never do. I feel guilty.

  • 4/17/2008 3:30 PM JoLynn Braley wrote:
    Oh, I know exactly what you're going through with the emotional eating, in fact I'm working on that right now myself - doing a 12-week series, updated every Wednesday on my blog about my progress with it, too.

    You can heal your emotional eating, absolutely, and I wish you the best with doing the same!

  • 4/17/2008 8:16 PM Hygeia wrote:
    I've never had emotional eating or something but my friend had this problem before but I guess she is okay now.

    good luck on getting your desired weight. I think have to work out again thanks for the reminder. *giggles*

  • 4/18/2008 7:35 AM Haney wrote:
    Woah! 20 to 8 in 10 months! that's freakin fast!
    Reply to this
    1. 4/18/2008 11:01 AM Nadine wrote:
      I started January 2006, and by June 2007 I was a size 8. More like 18 months.

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