Sunday, April 20, 2008

How & Why am I Blogging?

I'm new to this type of blogging. I've used other sites that are a community type of thing. One site and your readers are all from that site. That's where I do my personal blogging. Just sit down & start blabbing about whats going on in my life. For the last six or seven years, I have a group of people I've read and befriended. We follow each other when that site crashes.

But, this is different. I originally set this blog up to to complement my main site. But, the more I think of it, I'm sort of doing the same thing in both places. So, why have two? It seems like double writing, as I'm attempting to write weekly articles there, and at least a few times a week here.

I'm not an aspiring writer. I've been told I write well. My specialty is I write from the heart. I'm honest, sometimes brutally so. I admit my screwups, and tend to shy away from my accomplishments. Yes, I tell the good things I've done, I just feel uncomfortable with all the congrats & woohoos.

All of that to say that I've been thinking of consolidating both sites into one blog. However, I'm really not liking this style. I don't see a "design your own." There are only pre-designed, and I've seen nicer ones out there. And, I'm jealous. I feel like a plain Jane. Yes, I'm new. And, the longer I do this, I'll find better layouts, and even maybe one I can exchange this with.

I really like the Blogger themes. There is a way to redirect that url to this site, and vice versa. I'm trying to figure that out. Anyone who can explain it to me in a K.I.S.S. (keep it stupidly simple) way? I'm not totally computer illiterate, but Bloggers explanation didn't work for me.

I've also been sitting here all day trying to figure out how to come up with stuff to write. I could just sit here & spout from the top of my head, which is what I've been doing. I have all these ideas, then when I sit down I have a brainfart, and just think of something & start typing.

I'm thinking a theme a day to cover five days. So far I've come up with:

  • Top Lists - My top 10 (or 5) list of different things
  • My favorite blogs/sites of the week (Some free publicity to other bloggers. Unfortunately, I don't have a large readership yet)
  • One or two favorite recipes
  • Motivation (must not forget we need the motivation to keep this healthy lifestyle going)
  • Just ramble on whatever pops into my head
How do you blog? Why? Because you're an aspiring writer? To document your weight loss journey? Be a part of a weight loss community? To get customers? To make a little bit of cash?

Not only am I confused on where I'm going with this blog, I decided to set another one up as another "how to get paid online" blog. Why? I dunno. Its not like there aren't already a million out there. EDIT: I'm not confused on why I'm blogging about weight loss. My confusion is to whether or not I want to maintain two sites on weight loss.

I thought I knew why I was doing it. And, the more I lose myself in Entrecard, Link Referral, various blog submission sites, I get more confused as to what I'm doing and why.

Reposting comments from original entry:
  • Haney wrote:
    I had this problem too and weekend supposed to be a relaxing one!

    I have colleagues who are thin, and it's good to hang out with them. Why? Cause we tend to follow their eating pattern. Perhaps that's why I dont eat alot anymore.

    1. 4/19/2008 8:47 PM Nadine wrote:
      Why did this show up here when it was in response to the Emotional Eating post? It was already here when I posted. Grrr, I do not *heart* this format.

  • 4/19/2008 5:45 PM Lisa wrote:
    The world is a crazier place nowadays.. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.. I like your style. I will put you on my favs list. Hope to see you again


Anonymous said...

How do you blog?
What I do is write about what i'm going through, during slow times in my life, I have google alerts set up to send me alerts about the key terms; College admissions, college, university, and SAT. This gives me tons of content to use.

I want people to see what I go through to get to college. I may write a book about my experiance too.

The best tip I have for you is to set up a google alert for weight loss and emotional eating.

Nadine said...

In response to drburst, I've edited the entry. I'm not confused on blogging about weight loss. I'm not sure I want to keep up two sites on weight loss.

Anonymous said...

ooo sorry.